Region: | Europe |
Sector: | Energy; Innovation; Sustainability |
Institution: | European Commission |
PMA:* | European Commission |
Submission Deadline:
Scope of Funding:
Funding differs by topic.
Type of Funding:
Call with several topics (extract):
- Developing solutions to reduce the cost and increase performance of renewable technologies
- Development of next generation biofuels and alternative renewable fuel technologies for road transport
- Solar Energy in Industrial Processes
- Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition
- Research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition
For all topics and full descriptions please see call website. Please note that some topics are forthcoming and not open yet.
Country: Several
Eligible Applicants: Please see the funding description for full details.
Source: Call: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Secure, clean and efficient energy
Explanation: *PMA: Project Management Agency