

Support for the organisation of the Transport Research Arena 2020 Conference

    Region: Europe
    Sector: Mobility; Transport
    Institution: European Commission
    PMA:* European Commission

Submission Deadline:
26. September 2017

Scope of Funding:

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 0,5 and 0,7 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Type of Funding:


The action will prepare and provide support to the Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA) to be organised in 2020. TRA is the European Transport Research conference which brings together representatives of transport stakeholders from all over Europe and beyond around research and innovation results and policy.

The objective of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion of political, industrial, research and policy issues on a European and global scene, which pursues a smart combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. In line with previous TRA conferences, the event should address the technological and industrial developments of the transport sector (road, rail, waterborne and aviation sectors and also cross-modal aspects) providing a high-level, future oriented perspective coming from policy, the industrial and research communities, in response to Europe’s social needs and expectations.

In collaboration with the relevant actors, such as the European Commission services, the different European Technology Platforms (ERTRAC for road, ERRAC for rail, WATERBORNE TP for waterborne, ALICE for logistics and ACARE for aeronautics) and also previous TRA conference organisers in order to maintain continuity, the action will define the overall planning of the conference, structure the technical and political sessions of the event, contribute to select the appropriate location for the venue and offer operational IT tools for the registration of participants, the handling of speakers’ contributions, contribute to the organisation of logistics for the event, etc. Support to the organisation of demonstration activities should also be foreseen.

In order to participate and receive funding for this action, proposals must be accompanied by a written endorsement from the relevant Ministry of the Country where the conference will take place. A financial plan to organise the event should be attached.


Country: Several

Eligible Applicants: Please see the funding description for full details

Source: European Commission

Explanation: *PMA: Project Management Agency

Partner Networks

City Partners