Arlington is revolutionizing its public transport system. Image source: Shutterstock (#273993872).
The city of Arlington was the largest city in the United States with no mass transit system for a long time. Now, it has announced a partnership with Via to become the first city to run only on microtransit.
Via is a New York-based startup that provides on-demand minibus rides, which will replace the single, fixed-route bus line Arlington has now. People will be able to use the Via app to catch a ride in a six-seater Mercedes shuttle, or dial up a call center for a small fare.
Arlington is hoping to provide more coverage for less money with the partnership. “Not only will it cover the area we’re already serving, Via will get people to places Max was too limited to get close to,” said Alicia Winkelblech, the assistant director of strategic planning for the city of Arlington.
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