Mobility changes the way of working. Security becomes more complex and is increasingly threatened and billions of things will join the cloud network over ...
The first all-electric mobile office space
In a cooperation between Nissan and Hardie, developed a smart mobile office space that runs completey on electricity. The e-NV200 WORKSPACe is equipped ...
How to make use of the big data opportunities
While most companies have recognized the big opportunities of big data, the real challenge lies within finding opportunities to efficiently process and ...
How will Industry 4.0 change the manufacturing shop floor?
While all personnel of a manufacturing enterprise will experience the increase of digital technology, it will be most influential on the shop floor. This ...
Weltweit modernste Sortierhalle in Leipzig eröffnet
230 Millionen EUR hat die DHL in eine neue Sortierhalle investiert und damit 1.300 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Die vollautomatisierte Anlage ...
New Work: Die digitale Zukunft analoger Jobs
Laut Experten hat die Digitalisierung die nächste industrielle Revolution eingeleitet – durch künstliche Intelligenz und vernetzte Fabriken wird ...
Wie Industrie 4.0 die Welt verändert
Die vierte industrielle Revolution, kurz: Industrie 4.0, ist in vollem Gange: Die Vernetzung der Geräte, die Analyse immenser Datenmengen und der Einsatz ...
Amsterdam’s The Edge: A model for green offices worldwide
The Edge is an innovative and sustainable office building located in the financial centre of Amsterdam. Its archtitect, Ron Bakker, explains on Eco- ...
How three-day weekends could save our planet
In theory, expanding the weekend to three days would not only mean more leisure time for everyone, but could also have positive impacts on the environment ...