Google recently pledged $1 billion to address the needs of workers replaced by new technology. The announcement was made in Pittsburgh, where Google is ...
Google turns Toronto neighborhood into living lab
Urban innovations company Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, and the Canadian government announced a collaboration ...
Wearable soap & smart necklace win UNICEF Design Challenge
The Wearables for Good Design Challenge by UNICEF, ARM, and Frog has found two innovative winners. SoaPen is a wearable soap-crayon that encourages ...
Deutscher Nachbarschaftspreis 2017: Landessieger Schleswig-Holstein
Die Sieger des Nachbarschaftspreises 2017 wurden vor kurzem verkündet und stellt nun im Rahmen einer Reihe von Artikeln den ...
Stanford team enters challenge with ambitious solar car
Stanford’s Solar Car Project has entered the oldest solar-powered car race, the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, with their ambitious solar car ...
Universities support local initiatives as anchor institutions
A report from the Democracy Collaborative by Emily Sladek shows how six universities, Buffalo State College, University of Missouri–St. Louis, Rutgers ...
Experts think flying cars are the future of transportation
With interest and investment in flying cars continually growing, a multitude of experts is feeling confident in saying that they are the future of ...
Deutscher Nachbarschaftspreis 2017: Landessieger Niedersachsen
Die Sieger des Nachbarschaftspreises 2017 wurden vor kurzem verkündet und stellt nun im Rahmen einer Reihe von Artikeln den ...
Travelling to the other side of the globe in an EV
In order to demonstrate that EVs are as comfortable to travel with as fossil fuel-powered vehicles, Wiebe Wakker is travelling from The Netherlands to ...
Deutscher Nachbarschaftspreis 2017: Landessieger Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Die Sieger des Nachbarschaftspreises 2017 wurden vor kurzem verkündet und stellt nun im Rahmen einer Reihe von Artikeln den ...