One of the leading technology groups in India, Tech Mahindra has recenlty launched its ‘Factory of the Future’ lab in its Bangalore campus. Keeping in mind the global industrial shift towards the digitization and automation, this new centre boasts of solutions and assets in the areas of Digital Manufacturing, Connected Machines, Additive Manufacturing, Robotics & Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Analytics, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, this lab aims to focus on the Indutry 4.0 concepts. “Industries world-over are going through a massive transformation, a transformation that is driven by the advances in newer technologies, especially things like IoT and Robotics,” Tech Mahindra President and COO L Ravichandran said. “As a trusted Digital Transformation partner for client organisations, we have taken lead in these areas and have invested in building capabilities to harness the opportunities,” he further added.
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