



    Region: North-america
    Country: United States of America
    Inhabitans: 3.000.000 - 10.000.000
    Growth Forecast p.a.: 0% - 1%
Mayor's Message:
Projects: online map for natural-disaster danger zone, smart buildings by Microsoft
Twin City: Bergen, Cebu, Chongquiq, Daejeon, Galway, Kobe, Mombase, Nantes, Perugia, Surabaya
Partner Cities (Project Related):
Fields of Activity:

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Specific Project Targets: The City’s 2030 goals are to reduce emissions from passenger vehicle transportation by 82%, vehicle miles traveled by 20%, and emissions per mile traveled by 75% from a 2008 baseline Develop a comprehensive, connected network of safe and comfortable bicycle facilities to, from and within the Center City and Urban Villages. 2. Develop a citywide network of neighborhood greenways that prioritize walking and bicycling on residential streets 15% of passenger cars are electric vehicles, and significant progress has been made in transitioning diesel vehicles to next generation alternative fuels The City’s 2030 goals are to reduce energy use in commercial buildings by 10% and residential buildings by 20%, and reduce the GHG intensity of all fuels by 25%. With aggressive implementation, this package of building energy actions will meet our overall 2030 target to reduce total building energy GHG emissions by 39% The 2012 Solid Waste Plan outlines a pathway to achieve a 70% recycling and composting rate by 2022
We Offer:
We Search:
Articles: 1) Do you live in a natural-disaster danger zone? Check this Seattle map
2) Seattle lightning
3) Why Seattle is a sustainability superstar
Message: "I applaud our numerous community partners whose work contributed to this recognition and the highest score yet received by any city in the country.Our commitment to sustainable practices and innovative solutions begins and ends with our residents and businesses. This 5-STAR rating is just the latest example of the Seattle's deep-seated culture of environmental consciousness." said Seattle Mayor Ed Murray

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Partner Networks

City Partners