Expertise: Creative urban social interaction tools
Founded: 2013
Team: 3
HQ: Hildesheim, Germany
Management: Sandro Engel (Founder), Amelie Künzler (Co-Founder)
Awards: CeBIT Innovation Award 2016, Deutscher Mediapreis, Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland
In a world where cities grow of population you will have most encounters in the urban place. Because of the population growth this place is becoming more and more anonymous, impersonal and more functional. We are questioning the everyday life, analyzing the circumstances and want to find a playful solution to improve the awareness of life. We want to reinvent the urban place by bringing back fun and personality.
“Urban Invention” transforms public space into a personal place because we…
- question everyday situations, re-inventing themselves over and over again.
- change perspectives of people on their habitat and live around them in a playful way.
- provide instant communication in public spaces, market towns and advertise with its citizens.
- know the old ways but create new ones.
- know how to use all media, combine them and thus create extraordinary experiences.
- can create attention and a contemporary image for cities.
What we do:
Always looking for new insights, we observe our surroundings with open eyes. Our observations are documented in detail in order to evaluate the results in the laboratory. In this way we can draw objective and thorough conclusions about life in urban areas. This serves as a basis for the development of new practices and concepts.
Based on the findings obtained in research, new ideas and concepts rise. We sketch, built, test and sometimes discard. So the wild constructs are tested thoroughly to achieve the final results, which are characterized by quality and innovation.
We not only originate, we are also masters of representation. We’re going to convince in unusual but effective ways. A good knowledge of techniques and their impact paired with our will to continue to create new things, build a solid base for our work.
We translate the needs of residents into the language of the decision makers. Things depend on the right tone, the correct interpretation of what is said and passing on the information gained. So we mediate between people in urban areas.
A product or a service has its own language and this needs to be translated and communicated, too. Thus, the results of our work always have a statement and a message to be told. In this way certain values and knowledge can be taught like for ex. cohesion and respect, without having to resort to direct instructions.
The urban space is an exciting field where much can still be done and changed for its residents. New ideas arise in the communication, the sharing of knowledge and in conversation with each other. By combining our experience and your knowledge, great may arise.
Our product: ActiWait – The smart traffic light button
ActiWait is a smart traffic light button which ensures being active while waiting at pedestrian traffic lights. With a built-in touchscreen and a WiFi connection people can interact with each other across the street. Thus it creates exciting experiences for people waiting at pedestrian lights. Installed at traffic lights with long red phases it provides the opportunity to turn boring waiting time into a positive experience. At the same time the ActiWait is a platform for communication which reaches the people on the spot and is gratefully accepted in such a situation.

Via the WiFi connection people can interact with each other across the street. (Image: Urban Invention)
- serves the promotion of safety at pedestrian traffic lights. In a playful way, pedestrians and cyclists are encouraged to wait until it‘s safe to cross the street. The screen gives a visual feedback, when the light changes.
- opens up a great variety of applications like traffic education, news, city-information, or even advertising. Due to the high-resolution display, all different kinds of information can be displayed.
- can help to draw the attention of visitors and allows navigation of a special kind by matching information showed on the display and the location. Thus it can defuse critical intersections by installing ActiWait nearby.
- can help raise awareness for sight-impaired. If the push-button is activated by a sight-impared person, the screen would be blocked with a message to have regards for this person.
To strengthen the mobility of pedestrians and cyclists it is all about providing active offers. In changing the applications, ActiWait stays attractive and motivate people to use alternatives to cars. The new generation of push-buttons provides a platform for barrier-free interaction and communication. It‘s intuitive operation enables encounters between (yet) strangers of different religions, generations and backgrounds.

People interact via the ActiWait traffic light button while waiting for the lights to turn green. (Image: Urban Invention)
- Public Participation
- Surrounding Infos
- Nearby Event Infos
- City Event Infos
- Navigation including product placement
- Local and global news
- Cultural tips
- Public transport integration
- Car 2x integration (e.g. emergency vehicle is passing)
- Traffic education
- (City) quiz duells
- Learning games
- Match making (social connection)
- Gaming for safety
- Exercise motivation
- Promote awawareness
- And compliments 🙂

The ActiWait traffic lights button showing the public participation application on its display. (Image: Urban Invention)

Urban Invention Co-Founder Amelie Künzler and Founder Sandro Engel (Image: Urban Invention)
Künzler und Engel Urban Invention GbR
Richthofenstraße 29
31137 Hildesheim, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 5121 70 37 122
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter
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