Heute im Gespräch: Michael Schneider, Pressesprecher, Remondis SE & Co. KG und Prof. h.c. Dr. Chirine Etezadzadeh, Institutsleitung, SmartCity ...

Heute im Gespräch: Michael Schneider, Pressesprecher, Remondis SE & Co. KG und Prof. h.c. Dr. Chirine Etezadzadeh, Institutsleitung, SmartCity ...
Region: | Asia |
Country: | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China |
Inhabitans: | 3.000.000 - 10.000.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 2% - 3% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | expanding free Wi-Fi services to bus stops and shopping arcades, having more mobile-friendly data services, and encouraging “intelligent homes”. |
Domain: | smartcity.org.hk |
Twin City: | |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Energy, Food & Water, Governance, Health, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Smart Home |
Specific Project Targets: | In 2010, Hong Kong put forward our own target to reduce the carbon intensity by 50-60% from the 2005 level by 2020. To reduce the city’s energy intensity from the 2005 level by 40% by 2025 |
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Articles: | 1) How Hong Kong can become a smart city with a connected future 2) Joint mainland-HK ‘smart city’ deal signed off 3) Hong Kong to build a 'smart city': chief executive |
Message: | "Looking into the future, we will uphold our vision and mission to promote Smart City development in Hong Kong. We will support the development of Hong Kong's knowledge-based economy, and enhance quality of life by increasing global cooperation on the building of Smart Cities as we develop Hong Kong as the world's leading Smart City. I wish everyone will support us actively, let us unite to build a smarter and better Hong Kong!" said Eric Yeung Chuen-sing |
Contact: | |
Region: | South-america |
Country: | Argentina |
Inhabitans: | 1.000.000 - 3.000.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 1% - 2% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | Streetlight |
Domain: | turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/en |
Twin City: | Yerevan, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santiago, Beijing, Zagreb, Prague, Santo Domingo, Quito, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Calabria, Osaka, Mexico City, Asunción, Lima, Warsaw, Lisbon, Moscow, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cádiz, Guadix, Madrid, Oviedo, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville, Vigo, Miami, Montevideo |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | Paris |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Education, Energy, Environment + CC, Food & Water, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | The City set a global goal for 2030: to reduce GHG emissions by 30% compared with 2008 levels, in a business as usual scenario (BAU). By enhancing green spaces and planting trees and plants, the temperature of Buenos Aires is expected to fall by up to 6ºC by 2034. Green motorways and macro-blocks are also contemplated in the plan, the latter aiming for a 50% reduction in levels of noise pollution, and a 97% reduction in CO2 emissions. |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) 3 Ways Buenos Aires Is Leading Smart City Technology [VIDEO] 2) Buenos Aires: The Making Of A Smart City 3) Buenos Aires reaching out to young travellers |
Message: | Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri: “If you want to have a modern city you need to adapt and evolve. Every week cities receive hundreds of citizens that come to look for a job or new experiences or simply to have fun and they all demand quality services.” |
Contact: | |
Region: | Asia |
Country: | Republic of Singapore |
Inhabitans: | 3.000.000 - 10.000.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 2% - 3% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | The Helix, Singapore Sports Hub, Singapore Flyer, Fusionopolis, CapitaGreen,New IT infrastructure at One North, Labrador Nature and Coastal Walk, Office Realtime, Project Max10 for BHP Billiton, Thomson Line, Singapore |
Domain: | gov.sg |
Twin City: | |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Education, Energy, Environment + CC, Food & Water, Health, Mobility, Resilience, Sustainability |
Specific Project Targets: | Singapore communicates that it intends to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030.,, Singapore pledged to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 16% below business-as-usual (BAU) levels in 2020 |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) To rise as a Smart Nation, Singapore must disrupt the workplace 2) Singapore Is Taking the ‘Smart City’ to a Whole New Level 3) Smart cities will be necessary for our survival |
Message: | Singapore is made up of our hopes, our dreams and our aspirations, for ourselves, for our families, for one another and our collective will to make our aspirations a reality. PM Lee Hsien Loong |
Contact: | |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | Special Economic Zone for high technology manufacturing,high-speed train |
Domain: | kazansmartcity.com |
Twin City: | |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Education, Energy, Environment + CC, Finance, Food & Water, Resilience, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | Reduce, reuse and recycle (30%-50% of waste reductions) Save 1.2 tons of carbon dioxide annually.Reduce Electricity Demand by 30-50% savings Sustainable Water Water consumption by reducing 15-30% of potable water consumption per house Towards Reduced Carbon Footprint 30% - 50% WASTE REDUCTION (Household Waste) REDUCE Water Consumption (Safe Freshwater & Avoid Discharge) 15% - 30% REDUCTION on potable water consumption per house REDUCE Energy Consumption (Energy Efficiency & Renewable Source) 15% - 30% SAVINGS on electricity demand 15% - 20% CARBON REDUCTION 100% NEIGHBOURHOOD PERMEABILITY 50% PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS BALANCE Earthworks & Green Density (No import & Export) 12 sq. meter Green Space / Person 80% REDUCTION Earthwork Volume Low Carbon City with a High Quality of Life SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES |
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We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) Russia's Muslim Regions Turn to the Gulf for Help 2) Kazan, la prima Smart City in Russia 3) Храм Преображения Господня, село Большие Кабаны |
Message: | THE VISION “Kazan Smart City is a Global Smart Sustainable City where it will be the Centre of Excellence for International Business & Knowledge Development that will create a Sustainable Economic Region and High Quality of Life” |
Contact: | |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | Kashiwa-no-ha Urban Development |
Domain: | kashiwanoha-smartcity.com |
Twin City: | New York City, Beijing, Paris, Seoul, Cairo, Moscow, Berlin |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Energy, Environment + CC, Finance, Food & Water, Governance, Health, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Services, Smart Home, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | Energy use reduction by 30% over 2000 levels by 2030 by 20% |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) Kashiwanoha Smart City Project 2) The big tech firms are wrong. We must build smart cities from the ground up 3) UCLA Japan Center Opened in Kashiwa-no-ha |
Message: | "Tokyo must aim to be smart in terms of our environment and smart in terms of our economy. Technological advancement will play a paramount role in both regards. Tokyo must utilize the state of art technology in urban planning, energy policy, and economic reform, and Tokyo will aim for both environmental sustainability and economic sustainability. Leveraging the latest technology we need to back this up with the real policy and real budget. Implementation and support for eco-housing, small housing, and utlilization of renewable energy will be important policy considerations environmentally. I have also been a strong advocate for the undergrounding of the overhead cables such as telecommunication and power lines.This is not only meaningful for the resilience for the city, but is also important to regain aesthetics. For me, this is an important part of helping to make Tokyo look smart." Mayor of Tokyo,Yuriko Koike |
Contact: | |
Region: | Asia |
Country: | United Arab Emirates |
Inhabitans: | 1.000-000 - 3.000.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 2% - 3% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | Desert Rose Housing Project, The Silicon Park Project, Dubai mGovernment Initiative, Free City Wi-Fi & Parking App ,The Sustainable City |
Domain: | smartdubai.ae |
Twin City: | Barcelona, Beirut, Frankfurt, Detroit, Istanbul, Shanghai |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Education, Energy, Finance, Food & Water, Governance, Health, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Smart Home, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | Between 2016 and 2020, 2 per cent of all cars purchased will be either electric or hybrid vehicles. This target will increase to 10 per cent by 2030 |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) Ideal Home Initiative Promotes Eco-Friendly Households 2) Dubai to Double Energy Efficiency by 2030 3) Dubai Is Building a Museum of the Future |
Message: | "We are obliged to fulfil our word in front of the world that we will create an amazing future connecting the minds of all nationalities, as we realise that the eyes of the entire world are looking to Dubai to know what we are going to do in years to come." Hussain Nasser Lootah, Director General of Dubai Municipality |
Contact: | |
Region: | Europe |
Country: | Netherlands |
Inhabitans: | 300.000 - 600.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 1% - 2% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | intelligent lighting, iCity Tender, Living Lab/Stratumseind 2.0, AiREAS |
Domain: | eindhoven.nl |
Twin City: | Minsk,Nanjing, Białyston Chinandega, Emfuleni,Gedaref,Bayeux,Iași,Gumi,Tainan |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Education, Energy, Environment + CC, Food & Water, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | Vision and Roadmap Urban Lighting Eindhoven 2030’. |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) Eindhoven as living lab for intelligent lighting 2) EINDHOVEN MAYOR NAMED EUROPEAN DIGITAL LEADER 3) Paved with good intentions |
Message: | "The 21st century will be the century of the city, following on from the 19th century, when national states were formed, and the 20th century, in which supra-national organisations like the United Nations, the European Union and the Bretton Woods Institutions took shape. The cities will be the first to be hit by all the known Global Challenges, such as mobility, housing, health, food and climate. Cities will have to find ways to provide their citizens with a safe, healthy and financially sound living, by taking a pragmatic and non-ideological approach. There is an opportunity here for urban politics to achieve this, not by viewing citizens solely as end-users and forcing solutions on them, but by collaborating with citizens in the use of modern technology, and working together with them, as co-developers of their own society". Rob van Gijzel Mayor, City of Eindhoven |
Contact: | |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | Residents Club and City Card, Public Participation, Mobile - Digi-Tel App, WiFi, Pupils' Engagement, Engaging Community Centers, Social Media, Open Data, Open Archive, iView (GIS), Online Municipal Services, Eco, Community and Entrepreneurship, Traffic and Parking, Readiness, Startup City, Smart Food Policies, Fair Shared City,Educating a Smart City |
Domain: | tel-aviv.gov.il |
Twin City: | Almaty, Beijing, Incheon, İzmir, Barcelona, Milan, Thessaloniki, Chișinău, Moldova, Chișinău Łódź, Moscow, Sofia, Warsaw, Frankfurt, Toulouse, New York City, Philadelphia, Panama City, Buenos Aires, São Paulo |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | Belgrade, Budapest, Bonn, Essen, Los Angeles, |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Education, Energy, Food & Water, Health, Legislation, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Smart Home, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | Energy efficiency - 17% reduction in electricity consumption relative to BAU scenario in 2030, Renewable energy – 17% of the electricity generated in 2030 will be from renewable sources, Public transport – 20% shift from private to public transportation |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) Tel Aviv aims to become beta site for smart city tech 2) Israeli smart city co Reporty raises $5.15m 3) Cities Cannot Be Reduced To Just Big Data And IoT: Smart City Lessons From Yinchuan, China |
Message: | Shalom! Tel Aviv-Yafo is known as Israel's "Nonstop City". The vibrant atmosphere never stops; the nightlife and culinary scene never stop; culture never stops; 24 hours a day, Tel Aviv is an active metropolis, bursting with energy and creativity. In such a city, the challenges never stop either. In recent years, the Municipality has created many smart practices to deal with such challenges: from sanitation to education, data management to culture management. Tel Aviv-Yafo's goal is to constantly be a smarter city - or more simply, a better city. In the booklet you are holding you will find a few examples of a wide range of such practices. Looking forward to hosting you soon in our Smart and Nonstop City! Ron Huldai Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo |
Contact: | |
Region: | Europe |
Country: | Danish |
Inhabitans: | 1.000-000 - 3.000.000 |
Growth Forecast p.a.: | 0% - 1% |
Mayor's Message: | |
Projects: | transport and cycling solutions, Smart parking, City Wifi, Intelligent rubbish handling |
Domain: | kk.dk |
Twin City: | Beijing, Paris, Reykjavik, Cambeche |
Partner Cities (Project Related): | |
Fields of Activity: | Buildings, Education, Energy, Environment + CC, Finance, Food & Water, Governance, Health, Mobility, Resilience, Security, Services, Smart Home, Society, Sustainability, Waste |
Specific Project Targets: | |
We Offer: | |
We Search: | |
Articles: | 1) City of Copanhagen 2) Top smart cities in the world 3) Copenhagen getting a smart city lab |
Message: | ”Every day we strive to make Copenhagen a better city to live in and at the same time we create more jobs for the Copenhageners. We do that by – among other things – using new technological solutions so that it is easier to be both a citizen and a company in Copenhagen. It is a great recognition of our city that international experts find that we are in the lead, when it comes to creating a smart city,” Lord Mayor Frank Jensen |
Contact: | |