Der Europäische Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) soll durch Beseitigung von Ungleichheiten zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen den wirtschaftlichen ...

Putting good ideas into practice requires resources. Here you can find a summary of German, European, and international funding opportunities available to support smart cities, i.e. the digitization in urban areas, and urban development.
If you have any information about other relevant funding projects, we would be happy to add them to our list. You are also welcome to share your experience with such projects with the community or ask any questions you may have in the comments section. We look forward to hearing from you.
Der Europäische Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) soll durch Beseitigung von Ungleichheiten zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen den wirtschaftlichen ...
The European Capitals of Culture initiative is designed to: Highlight the richness and diversity of cultures in Europe Celebrate the cultural features ...
The aim of UN-Habitat’s support on planned city extensions is to increase residential and economic densities with compact communities while guiding new ...
The LAB supports local, regional and national authorities to implement policies, plans and designs through participatory planning processes for more ...
A key element of the programme is to design and build high-quality public spaces in partnership with local governments. The programme focuses mainly on ...
Global initiative that enables city authorities, as well as local and national stakeholders, to identify opportunities and potential areas of intervention ...
Raise the profile of urbanization as a force for the structural transformation of Africa …
Das Programm unterstützt Städte aller Größen dabei, gemeinsam Lösungen für städtische Herausforderungen zu erarbeiten. Es bekräftigt die Schlü ...
Gefördert werden Investitionen zur barrierefreien bzw. -armen Umgestaltung der kommunalen Infrastruktur: Maßnahmen an bestehenden Gebäuden der ...
Das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) fördert mit Unterstützung des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) ...