There are many untapped renewable energy sources on Caribbean islands. Image source: Shutterstock (#181844198).
Following success by the UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund and the launch of the UAE-Caribbean Renewable Energy Fund to support island nations in the Caribbean in the development of renewable energy, ADFD has recently announced it that it has started a two-year program to teach people in the Pacific how to utilize renewable energy.
“The UAE-PPF has concretely demonstrated that renewables offer immediate cost savings and can integrate seamlessly with existing power systems at much higher rates than previously estimated. The new training program leverages both regional and international expertise to keep the momentum up on planning and executing transformative projects that support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate agreement,” says Ali Al Shafar, the UAE’s permanent representative to IRENA.
The program was developed by Masdar Corporation together with the University of the South Pacific in Fiji, New Zealand’s Elemental Power and Renewables, and ITP Renewables in Australia.
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