A recent San Diego Housing Commission report concluded that the city has to triple the amount of housing it builds each year to meet demand. To tackle ...

A recent San Diego Housing Commission report concluded that the city has to triple the amount of housing it builds each year to meet demand. To tackle ...
US financial data and media giant Bloomberg has unveiled its new European headquarters in London. The new office building is so environmentally friendly ...
A collaborative of nonprofit affordable housing organizations has announced the creation of the Interboro Community Land Trust (CLT), NYC’s first ...
As a result of a federal complaint filed in 2011, the state of Maryland is now offering 1,500 new affordable housing opportunities in high-opportunity ...
In the Kypseli neighborhood in Athens people have been dimming their lights to save money since the 2008 financial crisis. The volunteer group Foteini ...
Researchers from the University of Delaware have developed a method with which offshore wind farms could be constructed cheaper and faster. The scale ...
Urban innovations company Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, and the Canadian government announced a collaboration ...
SB 1000, an innovative environmental justice policy now mandated for all municipalities throughout California, requires cities to consider environmental ...
International engineering firm Arup, with a recent report, analyzes how organic waste could be repurposed into building materials to reduce food waste and ...
Hong Kong has too little and too much water at the same time. On the one hand, the city has very few reliable sources of drinking water as there is no ...