In an effort to increase the awareness and encourage people towards electric vehicles, Southern California Edison is offering people who drive a plug-in or electric car a one-time cash rebate of $450. This rebate will be applicable to the second and third owners along with those who lease the cars as well. Cutomers can get benefit from this rebate by going online at Clean Fuel Rewards website. SCE’s Charge Ready prgoram aims to improve the infrastructure by adding around 1000 charging stations, the first of which was installed at the Lynwood City Hall and became operational in April. Laura Renger, SCE principal manager for Air and Climate Policy said,” We hope that making second and third car owners eligible for a rebate will help stimulate the market for used electric vehicles. Not only will customers get a payment, they will also save because electricity is a low-cost fuel. Average fuel costs for an electric vehicle are 50 percent less than a car that runs on gasoline.”
Clean Technica
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