Brookings, a century old research institute describing itself as ‘think tank’ said to continue its work on innovation districts. But, what are innovation districts? Immediately, towns like Silicon Valley pop into mind, which developed on the outskirts of large metropolitan areas for the sake of establishing small companies that developed into large empires through the innovative synergies they produced. Brookings describes these districts as “dense enclaves that merge the innovation and employment potential of research-oriented anchor institutions, high-growth firms, and tech and creative start-ups in well-designed, amenity-rich residential and commercial environments.”
Research on the so-called innovation districts attributed them a large contribution to supporting metropolitan economies by “growing jobs in ways that leverage their distinct economic attributes.” Even the tackle of social exclusion is said to be on the agenda – due to the proximity of innovation districts to low-income neighborhoods and the multifacetedness of jobs they provide they could be an asset for disadvantaged populations to connect to employment and educational opportunitites.
As a mutual project, Brookings and Project for Public Spaces will analyse a small number of districts in Philadelphia and Oklahoma City to “distill practice-based lessons on innovation and placemaking, help local leaders better understand their assets, and develop strategies for vibrant and innovative mixed-use districts.”
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