Heute im Gespräch: Dr. Michael Kraus, Leiter Klinikrechenzentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg und Prof. h.c. Dr. Chirine Etezadzadeh, ...

Heute im Gespräch: Dr. Michael Kraus, Leiter Klinikrechenzentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg und Prof. h.c. Dr. Chirine Etezadzadeh, ...
The opioid epidemic is growing in America, but Rhode Island is reacting with the implementation of a new tool to reverse the effects of overdoses. The ...
Walking and cycling, the least polluting mode of urban transport, is not directly mentioned anywhere in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...
Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine have developed a new diagnostic tool that can determine whether somebody has a concussion, and also how long ...
Taipei Medical University Hospital and Digital Treasury Corporation (DTCO) have revealed phrOS, a blockchain-based personal healthcare record operating ...
WeRobotics is planning to fight mosquito-borne viruses such as Zika with drones. First breeding sterile mosquitoes in captivity, the insects are then ...
The socially-motivated business Sanivation is turning feces into profit in Kenya. Sanivation installs their “blue box” plastic toilet ...
A new tool to create drinkable water from any non-salt water source called the Fixt Nomad promises to filter out bacteria, viruses, and any other ...
Science-oriented wireless sensor company PocketLab has launched the PocketLab Air on Kickstarter, a multi-sensor device that gathers localized information ...
Bus ridership in Chicago has steadily declined since 2012, and the city now wants to get people back on the bus. Chicago’s Active Transportation Alliance ...