Sebastian, Reyes, and Meredith Reitman, president and CEO of Reitman Research and Strategy, have together created Adding Racial Equity to the Menu: An ...

Sebastian, Reyes, and Meredith Reitman, president and CEO of Reitman Research and Strategy, have together created Adding Racial Equity to the Menu: An ...
Following success by the UAE-Pacific Partnership Fund and the launch of the UAE-Caribbean Renewable Energy Fund to support island nations in the ...
The educational foundation Yayasan Harapan Masa Depan Cerah (YHMDC), brought to life in 2012 by Cargill Tropical Palm Holdings, the palm oil unit of ...
Science-oriented wireless sensor company PocketLab has launched the PocketLab Air on Kickstarter, a multi-sensor device that gathers localized information ...
The Governance Lab at New York University is launching the CrowdLaw Research Initiative and website. CrowdLaw is when local legislatures and national ...
International energy supplier E.ON has launched the Freedom is Electric campaign. Its goal is to educate about the diversity of electric vehicles and ...
The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has officially opened the Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST), where researchers from ...
Heather McGhee, President of Dēmos, a public policy group with its focus on climate change, inequality, and democracy reform, has talked about how a ...
Google recently pledged $1 billion to address the needs of workers replaced by new technology. The announcement was made in Pittsburgh, where Google is ...
Representatives of the North American Bikeshare Association (NABSA) and PeopleForBikes have recently undertaken a one-day bike-share lobbying and ...