Leaders of the European Union are confident that the UN climate conference currently held in Bonn, Germany, the COP23, will reaffirm the international ...
Businesses & NGOs unite for ban on biodegradable plastics
Over 150 organisations from around the world are issuing a call for governments to put a ban on oxo-degradable plastic packaging. In a statement by the ...
Google wants to influence Asian renewable energy policy
Google wants to become fully renewable-dependent this year, but the company is facing a road block in Asia, where policies are lacking. Introducing the ...
China bans high-sulfur content diesel fuel
To reduce local air pollution levels and help with a nationwide pollution problem, the Chinese government has announced that from November 1st on, the ...
Police preparing for autonomous cars on roads
In a partnership with Alphabet’s Waymo, the police in Chandler, Arizona, is training its cars to recognize and respond to emergency vehicles. Waymo is ...
China to significantly reduce shipping emissions
As China is expanding its maritime ambitions, the country is also taking promising steps towards keeping air pollution in control. The International ...
Mehrheit der Deutschen für CO2-Abgabe
Ergebnisse des Stiebel Eltron Energie-Trendmonitors 2017 zeigen, dass 70 Prozent der deutschen Bevölkerung es bevorzugen würde, wenn die aktuell auf dem ...
Bike-share advocates educate Washington
Representatives of the North American Bikeshare Association (NABSA) and PeopleForBikes have recently undertaken a one-day bike-share lobbying and ...
Paris launched resilience strategy
In late September, the city council of Paris approved a new resilience strategy. It will be launched this week and includes a number of measure to increase ...
An EV charging network for Western US
The first step towards a comprehensive regional electric charging network in the West of the US is taken. Governors of seven states (Colorado, Idaho, ...