Scottish Power has commissioned an analysis of wind energy pricing to persuade the UK government to rethink its stance on onshore windfarms. The report by ...
Boston wants to bolster resistance with anti-racism strategy
Resilient Boston, an initiative to fight systematic racism, and make the city more resilient in the process is now further supported by Imagine Boston 2030 ...
Does the Urban Agenda bring a golden age for cities?
As more and more people are living in urban environments, the role of cities are increasing in decision-making processes. While this has been recognized by ...
Umfrage zeigt Potenzial für E-Bikes in Deutschland
Die Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage im Auftrag des Digitalverbands Bitkom zeigen, dass Elektrofahrräder hierzulande viel Potenzial haben. Der ...
British green fashion leaders on track to meet 2020 targets
A new report suggests that the coalition of major fashion retailers that signed Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) are on track to meet 2020 ...
Renewable energy to undercut all other power by 2030
A new study commissioned by Greenpeace and carried out by the Finnish Lappeenranta University of Technology analyzes electricity generation costs in all ...
Report urges banks to disclose lending to companies with carbon-related risks
A new report by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, part of a G20 initiative led by governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney and ...
Solar becomes cheaper rapidly as component prices shrink
A report from GTM Research predicts that average global solar prices will drop by 27 percent by 2022. Solar prices have been falling for a while, but a new ...
Survey suggests ways to make car-owners use public transport
A recent survey by the US-based research and consulting firm Conduent, which specializes in public transportation and urban mobility, reveals what drivers ...
Many UK cities approaching smart transformation, lots of private funding available
New report SmartStart (2016) has found that many UK cities are slowly transforming to smart cities with smaller smart projects to improve the ...