Heute im Gespräch: Dr. Wolfram Geier, Abteilungspräsident, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungs-schutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) und Prof. h.c. Dr. ...

Heute im Gespräch: Dr. Wolfram Geier, Abteilungspräsident, Bundesamt für Bevölkerungs-schutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) und Prof. h.c. Dr. ...
Blisscity – Deutschlands Smart City Convention, hat am 21. und 22. November in Frankfurt am Main stattgefunden. Wir möchten Sie rückblickend an der ...
Hyundai Mobis has developed technology that steers the car for the driver when moving in reverse. Simplified, this reverse driving support technology ...
Atlanta’s City Council has voted to employ inclusionary zoning to support the development of affordable housing units. Developers will be required ...
Walking and cycling, the least polluting mode of urban transport, is not directly mentioned anywhere in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...
Taipei Medical University Hospital and Digital Treasury Corporation (DTCO) have revealed phrOS, a blockchain-based personal healthcare record operating ...
Following pressure from pedestrian advocacy group Walk San Francisco and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, the city of San Francisco is asking the San ...
A new interactive report entitled The Financial Health of a City was released by the Urban Institute, and grouped 60 cities by credit bureau data, census ...
The NHS Cyber Security Batsignal, a peer-to-peer cyber security warning alerting system, is to be launched next month at the first Public Cyber Security ...
Researchers have studied the development of the nonprofit landscape in the United States, and have found that these organizations have played a pivotal ...